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PREFAB SPROUT B-SIDES Paddy Mcaloon and his band Prefab Sprout are one of the finest Rock/Pop/Indie crossover bands of the 80's & 90's and beyond With varying degrees of commercial success over the years, they have certainly earned their place in music history. But there is another story to hot dogs and jumping frogs. There is a side to the groups legacy that generally only the die hard fans and collectors usually know. A world where Mcaloon wrote and recorded some of his finest lyrics, that were crafted into beautifully structured compositions. In my opinion some of these were better than the groups singles over the years. From the end of love affairs to his beloved home town, Prefab have put together a fine back catalogue of music, even if Paddy Mcaloon is not fond of many of his own B-side works, I think its safe to say that most of his fans are. So below are 5 of the best B-Side singles they released. BEAR PARK A song inspired by his home ...
THE BEST PSB REMIXES. PART TWO 1990'S The life of this blog began with an article of the finest PSB remixes from the 1980's. A decade where the remix began to have its own place within the music industry as a force to be reckoned with. With remix artists appearing as DJ's from the club scenes of New York and Miami for example, the remix soon began to influence potential hit singles. By the 1990's the club scene had arrived en masse around the globe, particularly in the U.K and Europe. It was during this period that remixes were taken very seriously by DJ's and the industry alike. People like David Morales, Paul Oakenfold and Sasha would start to command huge fees in remix duties for Pop stars and other acts who would otherwise not get their music heard in a night club or a rave party. But the Pet Shop Boys were always on the cutting edge of club culture, and had from the very start produced Dance music, so it is of no surprise that this pattern ...
10 AMAZING BUT FORGOTTEN HITS OF THE 1980'S When ever you listen to your local radio, you will always have the stations that provide hits from yesteryear. The classic years as they call them or hits of a certain decade. You know the ones. Well its just so boring that you always hear the same old tired out songs. The hits we all know instantly, which is great in one respect, but the 80's always seem to be limited to a certain set of songs from the pop charts., and those which were fleeting dont get a great deal of recognition, even though they are excellent in terms of their lyrical and arrangement skills. So this misconception makes people who were perhaps not old enough to have been there, simply believe that the era was all about Michael Jackson, Madonna and long hair. Well it wasn't and it most certainly needs to be stated that some amazing pop music came out during this period in musical history. Well MuzeBitez have selected a list of songs that...